Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Vacation

Amaaaazing. First: Thanks to those of you who have sent me Christmas packages. I really feel the love :) And I´m going to feel the extra 5 lbs. I'm going to gain from the delicious food. . . My parents came. . . We had one of the most amazing trips. . . We went to my site, Antigua, and Belice. We hiked an active volcano, ate delicious food, cruised the Carribean, etc. They really got the opportunity to see where I live and what I do as well as see how the country is. . . Also Ron and Jeanne English came, who are really good friends of the family. They vacationed with us a little as well. . . It was great to see so many familiar faces here! I think everybody had a great time, although I was a little overwhelmed at times being the tour guide. . .

We had the opportunity to lunch with my family in Pastores which was really fun. . . It was fun translating and having my family and Ron and Jeanne see where I lived during training. What else did we do? Well we had an adventurous bus-boat-bus-boat trip to Belize. . . We went fishing and snorkeling and generally enjoying ourselves on various Cayes in the Carribean. We chatted with some nice people, got some seafood, and walked the small peninsula of Placencia practically to death haha. My brother and I had some interesting creatures in our hotel room including a huge flying roach and a frog.

All in all the trip was great. I´m sure I'm missing something but I'm paying for internet time so. ..

I'm back in site now with a new school year to look forward to. True to form in thei country school will be starting at least a week late due to the fact that there aren't enough teachers signed up for the year. .. our huge training got postponed so we'll see what happens.

I really missed my other friends and family this holiday season. . . I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and hope to hear from you all via email!



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